
2 years.

Our Wedding day

As an old married women, I feel it my duty to share what a few things on what I have learned. 2 years is an accomplishment. As the guy in the coffee shop said today (as my mother was telling everyone it was my anniversary) "well, only 1 in 2 marriages survive these days".

1 in 2. That's a pretty high statistic.

I don't sit here claiming to have the answers or the secrets to a perfect marriage. There is no such thing. I do have some things that have gotten us through these years. I believe ultimately that it has been God that has brought us through. Guiding us, ever so gently towards Him and His plan for us. Yes, we could have ended up divorced by now (it could happen to anyone, really) but by God's grace we are remained as one.

Here are some other things that may have helped....
- Talking about how you're really feeling. Not just saying what you think the other person wants to hear, but actually saying what's on your heart.
- Spending time alone (or with friends). Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I have definitely seen this. We need to be encouraged by our friends and also need some time to recharge alone. It's important.
- Finding things we both enjoy - and doing them often. We LOVE to cook together, it's great :) we also love to watch West Wing, eat take out and go for long walks around the neighbourhood. Just these little things at least every few days has helped. A regular date night also helps with this.
- Treat each other as friends. It's hard to believe that it was ME who found this hard. I thought that when I got married that him being my husband meant that I needed to treat him differently. He's my friend. My best and closest friend whom I cherish. I need to laugh with him and I need to enjoy my time with him!
- Prayer. Pray for each other. Pray together. Pray that God will continue to make you the best wife/husband you can be.

I'll keep you updated on any more :)


This will do. 

I love holidays. I have 2 weeks off from work, which I was dreading (as I had no plans) but so far they have been just the right amount of busy. I've done a bit of planning. A bit of catching up with friends/family. And a lot of shopping! It's weird, but I actually find shopping really stressful and tedious and disappointing. It often results in me, in a bad mood or tears. Yesterday I took my sister shopping which turned into her taking me shopping. For a 16 year old, actually for any age, she is FANTASTIC. Yes it needed capitals. I have 9 new outfits for around $250. Not bad at all. Especially when they are lovely and just what I needed and I will actually get a lot of use out of them. So, to my sister - thank you! Thank you for helping me in a way which only you can. I will be needing you more in the future xo

Snapshots of recent wanderings....

Brie cheese with chocolate caramel cups. SO yummy!

I decided to glue pretty paper on a wooden letter. 

Flowers outside our unit and sunshine = love.

Real Beauty.

Smallest of small.

you have made the smallest of small,
and the depths of the universe.
yet you care for me, in my brokenness.
you keep the sun shining and the sky blue,
yet you cared enough to bring me home to you.
you put the stars in their place and the clouds up high,
yet you still hear my prayers, my joy and my cry.

thank you God.
I am small. But you are big.
I am weak. But you are strong.
I feel hopeless. You bring hope.
I am wanting. You freely give.
You hold me in the palm of your hand, and you keep me safe.

What we are eating....

Garlic and sesame toasted haloumi with roast chicken,
tomatoes and spinach. Amazing.
My first EVER potato bake. With lamb and veggies. yum!

Crepes with strawberries and vanilla sugar creme.

  • Sometimes it's super hard to find the motivation to cook.
  • I am buying more cook books, which I find helps! A lot.
  • Get other people involved, husband, friends, family etc.
  • Shop when you FEEL like it, and take your time, you'll end up
    with a much better set of options and you won't feel stressed.
  • I've tried meal plans. I now cook what I feel like eating. 


I've always loved seeing things like this...

found this at 

So when I found cheap letters for $2.00 each, I had to give it a go.

TYPO cheap letters!

I basically just painted them with white paint as they were a brown wood to start with.

EAT or ATE or TEA or TA or AT.....endless

After first coat of paint

Now, It wasn't perfect, but I don't mind. The paint was a little hard to get right in all areas.

End Result!

Easter Craft

I know it's June, but I really wanted to share my Easter craft this year.
Call me insane, but I actually made an Easter tree. It confused my husband for a while.
I thought it was pretty cool. It was SUPER easy. Well, sort of.

Easter Eggs - Dyed eggs:
6 eggs
Food dye

1. Empty eggs - You'll need to poke a hole with a pin and then poke the yoke.
    Shake the insides out into a bowl
2. Drop the eggs, Gently, into a cup of 1/2 cup of vinegar and as much food dye as desired
3. Let it sit until you're  happy with the colour
4. Dry :)

The tree:
1 x vase (mine was a wedding present)
5 - 8 long sticks (or however many you'd like)
White paint
Paint brush
Newspaper - to paint on and to stuff the vase so the sticks stay.

I went hunting for my branches/sticks in our local park. Yes, I looked weird. No, I didn't care.
I then painted them and let them dry. Sorry Will and Kate, Easter tree was more important....

Then I did this....

I added an extra hole on the other end of the eggs, and threaded through some string. Then I tied a knot and it hung. Lovely! And easy too.

What do you think??